What is your postcode?
How old are you?
31 to 40
Are you a business owner?
How happy are you living in Burnie?
Quite sad smiley
Do you think the community is asked for their opinion on the future of Burnie?
Thumb down
What do you think about the price of parking in the CBD?
Sad smiley
Do you think there is enough parking in the Burnie CBD?
Thumb up
How do you think the Burnie City Council are doing?
Sad smiley
Do you think there should be more community events in Burnie?
Thumb up
How do you see the progress of Burnie as a city?
Burnie is declining
Do you shop in the CBD?
How do you feel about job opportunities in Burnie for yourself or others?
Quite sad smiley
What do you think are the main issues affecting you and/or your family?
There is nothing here for the kids shops are disappearing cost of rates and water bills are way to expensive
What do you think are the main issues that businesses are facing in Burnie?
High cost of rent power etc. High theift rates. Less people shopping
Do you have any final thoughts?
The bcc need to listen to the community and act more on the issues that people suggest to make it an enjoyable city again.
What are your thoughts on the number of empty buildings in the Burnie CBD?
To many
If you could list 3 things that would make Burnie a better place what would they be?
Bring back the fun centre. Cheaper cost of living eg rates water and power. Free parking days to entice more shoppers.
How would you describe your employment status?
Full time